Kingdom of Cambodia

Light of Justice

Sam Rainsy Party

Front cover (A)
Sam Rainsy's biography (B)
Table of contents (page 1)
01 Message of Monk Sam Rainsy to the Cambodian people (page 3)
02 The 10-point political platform of the Sam Rainsy Party (page 7)
03 We must save our nation (page 9)
04 Khmer women future (page 13)
05 Do the people need petty and occasional donations or do they need land and jobs ? (page 15)
06 Why do all the schools in this country bear the name of a corrupt person ? (page 29)
07 Questions and answers related to floods, deforestation, corruption, poverty and unfair distribution of international assistance to flood victims (page 35)
08 Gift or handcuffs (page 39)
09 Three groundless accusations (page 42)
10 Our dream will come true (page 43)
Sam Rainsy Party' s motto and logo (C)
Back cover (D)
Message of Monk Sam Rainsy to the Cambodian people. On February 8, 2001, the author, then a Buddhist monk, dissociated religion from fatalism and advocated a socially-engaged Buddhism.
Page 2
• Monk Sam Rainsy carries the ashes of his mother who died in France (Phnom Penh, 22 January 2001)
• Le Bonze Sam Rainsy ramène les cendres de sa mère décédée en France (Phnom Penh, 22 janvier 2001).
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